Radius (miles)

Certified Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) - Starting at $19/hr & Up!

Location: Lincolnwood, IL 60712
Date Posted: 2/17/2025
Category: Residential
Education: High School Diploma/GED

Our client is seeking multiple certified Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) for Group Home and day programs in the Skokie, Evanston, and other north side areas. Details are as follows:


  • Must be certified DSP with IDPH
  • Must have a valid Driver's License
  • Must be expereinced working with developmentally disabled population and/or youth

DTG Advantages
  • $19/hour and up to start!
  • Weekly compensation
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd shift, and weekends available
  • Longterm independent contractor with client temptoperm negotiable opportunity.
  • Full schedule or part time hours!

If interested in hearing more, please reply to this ad. A Delta-T rep will contact you.

Title: Certified Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) - Starting at $19/hr & Up!
Class: Residential Aide
Ref. No.: 1270346-24
BC: #DTG105

Company: Delta-T Group Illinois, Inc.
Contract Contact: Contract Submit Edu IL
Office Email: ILContracts@deltatg.com
Office Phone: 800-500-8007
Office Address: 800 Enterprise Drive, Suite 131, Oak Brook, IL 60523

About Us: Each Delta-T Group office is separately incorporated. Delta-T Group is a referral service for self-employed independent contractors seeking behavioral healthcare education and social service supplemental marketplace opportunities. Delta-T cannot guarantee any number or duration of referrals or opportunities as a result of your registration. When and if opportunities become available, you may accept or decline such referrals at your sole discretion.